Lately I’ve been taking a look at some of our competitors, so that I can get a better understanding of our market position.

I’ve noticed that several of our competitors call themselves a “CX platform”. If you don’t know what CX means, well, I had to look up what it means too. CX here means “customer experience”.

So what’s a CX platform? Well, the precise definition depends on who you ask. But in general, if a feedback tool calls themselves a CX platform, then they want you to manage your feedback within their app.

Another thing about tools that call themselves CX platforms: they tend be to really expensive, if they publish their prices at all.

We intentionally don’t do want to be a CX platform. We like to keep it simple. We know that our customers want an easy way to get feedback from customers, without having to learn a entirely new platform.

That’s why we make it really easy to get your customer feedback into the tools you are already using, like Trello, Slack, and Jira. You’ve already got the tools you use to manage your company. You don’t need us to force you to use yet another tool.

When we are using our own product, Saber Feedback, to get feedback, we get the feedback sent to two places: to a support email account, and to Slack.

On Slack, the whole team gets to see the feedback report. This gives us the chance to discuss the feedback report if need be.

But the email account contains what we consider to be the canonical feedback report. Until that email is processed and answered, the feedback is open.

We seldom ever look at the feedback reports we receive inside Saber Feedback’s own app. We see the app as a place to create and configure feedback buttons, and a repository of past feedback reports. But not as a place to process the feedback reports.

And that’s why Saber Feedback is not a CX platform.

So what is Saber Feedback? Saber Feedback is an utterly simple way to add a feedback button to your website or web app, and to get the feedback you receive into the tools you are already using.